Friday, December 12, 2008

'Tis the Season...for Overthinking

I'm doing it again, ahhh!

I keep rethinking what I have already written and wanting to rewrite and edit heavily. I want to take out all the stupid stuff with him having some mysterious illness because I've changed my mind as to where the story is going next, and if I keep that, it's going to be a HUGE hindrance to me telling the story. So it's got to go. But do I just keep writing and act like it doesn't currently exist in the chapters already written, or do I go in, make the changes and THEN keep writing? Something tells me I should just GO, write new stuff and make the changes later on. (When I wrote Wounded Bird, I changed character's names halfway through the novel, but just kept going and figured I'd cross them all out later on at some point or use White-Out or something; I really knew what I was doing when I was young and inexperienced!)

Anyway, I want to write this weekend. Now that I have my work article finished my brain feels a little more relaxed, and not as 'guilty' spending time thinking about my book.

I really do have to just move ahead and keep going. I can't keep analyzing and criticizing everything I do. It's bad to do that! I know it! So how's about I stop doing it now?! Sounds like a plan.