I'm doing it again, ahhh!
I keep rethinking what I have already written and wanting to rewrite and edit heavily. I want to take out all the stupid stuff with him having some mysterious illness because I've changed my mind as to where the story is going next, and if I keep that, it's going to be a HUGE hindrance to me telling the story. So it's got to go. But do I just keep writing and act like it doesn't currently exist in the chapters already written, or do I go in, make the changes and THEN keep writing? Something tells me I should just GO, write new stuff and make the changes later on. (When I wrote Wounded Bird, I changed character's names halfway through the novel, but just kept going and figured I'd cross them all out later on at some point or use White-Out or something; I really knew what I was doing when I was young and inexperienced!)
Anyway, I want to write this weekend. Now that I have my work article finished my brain feels a little more relaxed, and not as 'guilty' spending time thinking about my book.
I really do have to just move ahead and keep going. I can't keep analyzing and criticizing everything I do. It's bad to do that! I know it! So how's about I stop doing it now?! Sounds like a plan.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The new Chapter 7
I finished it the other day and it came out pretty decent. I had to make it a "talky" chapter because some groundwork had to be laid for stuff going on later on in the book. I fought off my fear of leaning too heavily towards the "tell" end of the spectrum and not enough on the "show" side... I had to remind myself that even the best books have long stretches of explain-y dialogue sometimes. Nothing wrong with it once in awhile. I hope it actually works and I am not fooling myself.
It's been such a great week of writing. I've got some stuff for Chapter 8 already, too, and I did some editing so that Chapter 6 flows better into 7. I'm all inspired and wanting to just write this thing. I love Halloween, but I can't wait for the party to be over so I have a little more time to spend on it.
A new game to play: when I go out to eat, quickly figure out what my four main characters would order. What movie would each of them pick to see? What would their Halloween costumes be? What car would they drive if they could each have their dream car? Stuff like that. Just find a way to dive deeper into who they are as individuals by thinking of the everyday stuff.
* Can Clara be morphed into the character of Zoe? I never thought it could work until this week... hmmm.
* Why is she there right now?
* What is her rank in the military?
* How much older is she?
* Is she interested or turned off by Zachary? Make it clear, very early in the chapter.
* Keep in mind why Jacob is upset following the incident at the cliff. (Now that I shared this URL with people, I will keep the details of this in my head for now so as to not blow a big spoiler.)
* Isaac Asimov. Orson Scott Card. HP Lovecraft. But no Charles Dickens...he hates it. :)
* The behind-the-scenes backstory of Dr. Bergen. Write it up even if it never appears in the book.
It's been such a great week of writing. I've got some stuff for Chapter 8 already, too, and I did some editing so that Chapter 6 flows better into 7. I'm all inspired and wanting to just write this thing. I love Halloween, but I can't wait for the party to be over so I have a little more time to spend on it.
A new game to play: when I go out to eat, quickly figure out what my four main characters would order. What movie would each of them pick to see? What would their Halloween costumes be? What car would they drive if they could each have their dream car? Stuff like that. Just find a way to dive deeper into who they are as individuals by thinking of the everyday stuff.
* Can Clara be morphed into the character of Zoe? I never thought it could work until this week... hmmm.
* Why is she there right now?
* What is her rank in the military?
* How much older is she?
* Is she interested or turned off by Zachary? Make it clear, very early in the chapter.
* Keep in mind why Jacob is upset following the incident at the cliff. (Now that I shared this URL with people, I will keep the details of this in my head for now so as to not blow a big spoiler.)
* Isaac Asimov. Orson Scott Card. HP Lovecraft. But no Charles Dickens...he hates it. :)
* The behind-the-scenes backstory of Dr. Bergen. Write it up even if it never appears in the book.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
This thing still on?
I felt like I should log in here again-- because I am thinking that if I do, I will somehow get kicked into gear again and get this book written! I know I haven't written much...well, anything... in about two months and that blows. But I guess I can't beat myself up. Life kind of sucked this summer.
Anyway, I have still been thinking about things. And I have some new inspirations to draw on. One is "Fringe", the new JJ Abrams show that kicks ass. In particular, I have fallen in love with the character of Dr. Walter Bishop. I love the questionable nature of his experiments; his willingness to risk everything for his work; his sad past; his strange babblings and complicated-yet-simple (somehow, it works!) relationship with his son. I have to admit I started wondering about his son right away... did he create his son? Seems like it. I know that this past week, we learned what really happened and why he and his son are connected (spoiler: they were both dead at one point), but I still have fun drawing parallels to my own book and imagining what it could be like if Dr. Bergen was a little more lost in his work. I don't want to make a Walter Bishop clone, of course! But it does get me thinking about the eccentricities that would probably be par for the course with scientists working on unethical research, especially the ones that would die for what they created. Watching this show has made me realize that I have room to develop Dr. Bergen a little more than I have already. I probably SHOULD, actually! He's kind of an important character.
I've also been inspired by Hurley. It's strange, but he just invigorates my day and I feel connected to him in a very cool way. He's a fantastic dog with a near-perfect temperment and I swear, he never does anything bad. I love just rolling around with him, copying his "boxing" moves, talking to him and playing with him like I am a dog, too. I know, I know; by doing this, I am not exactly exerting my "master" status in the house. What kind of leader gets down on the floor and talks like a dog, too? Well, I guess I do. I know it because I still have the upper hand, and he obeys me and plays by all of my rules. It's just that we are friends, too. I can't explain it very well. I just think it gets my thoughts going in the direction of animal-human bonds and what they can mean on a very visceral level. I want to capture some of this friendship-feeling with some of Zachary's relationships with the animals in his life. What was Feem really like? How did he behave with her, and how did she show her affection and respect? Zachary, being what he is, would have deep connections and complicated relationships with the dolphins and hybrids.
Also-- why did I give him a dog? Was Dingo only a plot device for that first chapter? Sometimes I wonder about that. I think there can be something more to that particular relationship, too. Dingo appears to be the only non-cetacean and non-hybrid animal on the base. Why did they give him a dog? Did Zachary choose him? What's the backstory? What does Dingo do that makes Zachary happy, and does he do anything or have quirks that Zachary tolerates but doesn't like? There's no reason not to add a little more of ME to the book, and doing it through the animal relationship descriptions is probably a very natural way for me to do it.
So, the point of all of this is: I have to write again. VERY soon.
I will!
Because there's another thing to consider: I don't really want to be a business magazine writer for the rest of my life. I want a fiction-writer career. I let myself gloss over that dream, thinking I don't deserve it for some strange reason (stupid, stupid low self-esteem issues!) or that it is out of my reach. I've been learning so much about myself these days, and that kind of thinking needs to be unacceptable, going forward. I don't suck as a writer, or as a person. I'm...not that bad. And you know what else? This book is not that bad, too.
Anyway, I have still been thinking about things. And I have some new inspirations to draw on. One is "Fringe", the new JJ Abrams show that kicks ass. In particular, I have fallen in love with the character of Dr. Walter Bishop. I love the questionable nature of his experiments; his willingness to risk everything for his work; his sad past; his strange babblings and complicated-yet-simple (somehow, it works!) relationship with his son. I have to admit I started wondering about his son right away... did he create his son? Seems like it. I know that this past week, we learned what really happened and why he and his son are connected (spoiler: they were both dead at one point), but I still have fun drawing parallels to my own book and imagining what it could be like if Dr. Bergen was a little more lost in his work. I don't want to make a Walter Bishop clone, of course! But it does get me thinking about the eccentricities that would probably be par for the course with scientists working on unethical research, especially the ones that would die for what they created. Watching this show has made me realize that I have room to develop Dr. Bergen a little more than I have already. I probably SHOULD, actually! He's kind of an important character.
I've also been inspired by Hurley. It's strange, but he just invigorates my day and I feel connected to him in a very cool way. He's a fantastic dog with a near-perfect temperment and I swear, he never does anything bad. I love just rolling around with him, copying his "boxing" moves, talking to him and playing with him like I am a dog, too. I know, I know; by doing this, I am not exactly exerting my "master" status in the house. What kind of leader gets down on the floor and talks like a dog, too? Well, I guess I do. I know it because I still have the upper hand, and he obeys me and plays by all of my rules. It's just that we are friends, too. I can't explain it very well. I just think it gets my thoughts going in the direction of animal-human bonds and what they can mean on a very visceral level. I want to capture some of this friendship-feeling with some of Zachary's relationships with the animals in his life. What was Feem really like? How did he behave with her, and how did she show her affection and respect? Zachary, being what he is, would have deep connections and complicated relationships with the dolphins and hybrids.
Also-- why did I give him a dog? Was Dingo only a plot device for that first chapter? Sometimes I wonder about that. I think there can be something more to that particular relationship, too. Dingo appears to be the only non-cetacean and non-hybrid animal on the base. Why did they give him a dog? Did Zachary choose him? What's the backstory? What does Dingo do that makes Zachary happy, and does he do anything or have quirks that Zachary tolerates but doesn't like? There's no reason not to add a little more of ME to the book, and doing it through the animal relationship descriptions is probably a very natural way for me to do it.
So, the point of all of this is: I have to write again. VERY soon.
I will!
Because there's another thing to consider: I don't really want to be a business magazine writer for the rest of my life. I want a fiction-writer career. I let myself gloss over that dream, thinking I don't deserve it for some strange reason (stupid, stupid low self-esteem issues!) or that it is out of my reach. I've been learning so much about myself these days, and that kind of thinking needs to be unacceptable, going forward. I don't suck as a writer, or as a person. I'm...not that bad. And you know what else? This book is not that bad, too.
Monday, August 4, 2008
A cliffhanger! (For reals, though)
OK, well, I've been working on it. That's the GREAT news.
The not-so-great news is some of my work has been way off course. I was reworking the chapters, cutting things in half to create whole other chapters, moving text around, blah blah... and then as I was writing new stuff for the end of Chapter 6, I let the story take a dark, morbid turn. I had Zachary lock himself in a bathroom and slice open his forearm with a razor. Not just a slice. No, I made it gory and...WRONG.
It bugged me after I wrote it. I kept thinking about it and feeling depressed. Which is not helpful when you are already going through real depression in real life! But it was more than that; this was a departure for his character. It wasn't fitting in with the person I see him as (and yes, I do see him as a person, even if he doesn't!), since I think he's stronger and more self-confident than that. He wouldn't take a coward way out of things just because he was stressed out. Nah.
He'd rip shit out of the walls, smash it with sonar and destroy the implant activator before taking off and scaling a barbed wire fence to run to the cliff...
Yeah. THAT'S more like it. That's my boy.
So anyway, I am coming back. It's just about finished, that cool Chapter 6, and I can't wait to write a little bridging text to pull it into Chapter 7 and what it can be before I move the story along like it needs to.
It was scary losing it for a minute there. But I learned a lot from it, so it wasn't totally a lost cause, I guess. I learned what Zachary is NOT. And I am saving every word I write and cut in a separate file, because I don't know what could come back into play or be handy in some way down the road.
I'm going to Chicago in two days. With a laptop. I admit I'm hoping for a repeat of how productive I was on the last trip to Washington DC, when I wrote like a fiend. It seems like traveling alone, being focused on my own thoughts (and by default, that means the book) is really GREAT for me. Funny that I love being away that much. Or maybe it's not that funny. Either way... whatever works is what I want to do!
The not-so-great news is some of my work has been way off course. I was reworking the chapters, cutting things in half to create whole other chapters, moving text around, blah blah... and then as I was writing new stuff for the end of Chapter 6, I let the story take a dark, morbid turn. I had Zachary lock himself in a bathroom and slice open his forearm with a razor. Not just a slice. No, I made it gory and...WRONG.
It bugged me after I wrote it. I kept thinking about it and feeling depressed. Which is not helpful when you are already going through real depression in real life! But it was more than that; this was a departure for his character. It wasn't fitting in with the person I see him as (and yes, I do see him as a person, even if he doesn't!), since I think he's stronger and more self-confident than that. He wouldn't take a coward way out of things just because he was stressed out. Nah.
He'd rip shit out of the walls, smash it with sonar and destroy the implant activator before taking off and scaling a barbed wire fence to run to the cliff...
Yeah. THAT'S more like it. That's my boy.
So anyway, I am coming back. It's just about finished, that cool Chapter 6, and I can't wait to write a little bridging text to pull it into Chapter 7 and what it can be before I move the story along like it needs to.
It was scary losing it for a minute there. But I learned a lot from it, so it wasn't totally a lost cause, I guess. I learned what Zachary is NOT. And I am saving every word I write and cut in a separate file, because I don't know what could come back into play or be handy in some way down the road.
I'm going to Chicago in two days. With a laptop. I admit I'm hoping for a repeat of how productive I was on the last trip to Washington DC, when I wrote like a fiend. It seems like traveling alone, being focused on my own thoughts (and by default, that means the book) is really GREAT for me. Funny that I love being away that much. Or maybe it's not that funny. Either way... whatever works is what I want to do!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Well, it's been BAD. I have let life allow me to sidetrack my book, and it's been getting dusty now for something like a month. But recently (over the last week or so), new things have been percolating so it's not ALL LOST. Yet.
I got some feedback from G regarding Chapters 5-7 and basically... things need some rewriting. While my sister loved what I'd done, he felt it was pretty talky and I am really going overboard with the word "hybrid". I've given it some thought and I do think it couldn't hurt to start over from one particular point in Chapter 5. I wrote a few pages of this new scene (Karen's husband comes lookin' for Zachary after he gets a little too close to his wife) a week or so ago, and I like where it's going. A lot more action. More drama and interest. More complications in his life, less mopey sit-around-and-talk-about-everything. I have this cool plan for how he will find out about Zoe, and it's a total 180 from what I'd already written for chapters 6 & 7. Why would Dr. B and Bridget sit him down and tell him all about Zoe and all of that? It doesn't add up, the more I think of it, and isn't consistent with how those characters FEEL about Zachary in this new version of the book. It was basically me slipping into "the old book" territory, kind of by accident.
Now that things in my personal life are calming down again, I will be able to focus again and get back to work. It's been a TOUGH summer so far. I've hated it. But things are looking up and like the infamous Stella, I'm getting my groove back.
Wow, did I just type that? Whew, boy...someone needs to practice, I don't know, WRITING again!
I got some feedback from G regarding Chapters 5-7 and basically... things need some rewriting. While my sister loved what I'd done, he felt it was pretty talky and I am really going overboard with the word "hybrid". I've given it some thought and I do think it couldn't hurt to start over from one particular point in Chapter 5. I wrote a few pages of this new scene (Karen's husband comes lookin' for Zachary after he gets a little too close to his wife) a week or so ago, and I like where it's going. A lot more action. More drama and interest. More complications in his life, less mopey sit-around-and-talk-about-everything. I have this cool plan for how he will find out about Zoe, and it's a total 180 from what I'd already written for chapters 6 & 7. Why would Dr. B and Bridget sit him down and tell him all about Zoe and all of that? It doesn't add up, the more I think of it, and isn't consistent with how those characters FEEL about Zachary in this new version of the book. It was basically me slipping into "the old book" territory, kind of by accident.
Now that things in my personal life are calming down again, I will be able to focus again and get back to work. It's been a TOUGH summer so far. I've hated it. But things are looking up and like the infamous Stella, I'm getting my groove back.
Wow, did I just type that? Whew, boy...someone needs to practice, I don't know, WRITING again!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Oh man, it's bad right now. I am on Chapter 8, but it just won't flow. It's not right. I might need to trash what I've done so far, or at the very least just cut and move it to someplace later in the story. I opened with a fight scene between Kaila and Zoe and while it's not bad, in itself, it's maybe not working right at this particular point in the story.
I have been sitting here trying to add something to Chapter 8 to bring it back to life but it's seriously been HARD. I feel like I'm losing Zachary, himself, somehow. Not sure why. I know I've been stressed out lately, and I haven't felt good, physically, but I really do need to straighten out again and get back in there. It is going so well, and has such potential RIGHT THERE, in front of me. So why the blocky feeling right now?! It's incredibly frustrating and more than a little depressing.
I need to sit down, with music playing, and read everything I have written so far from chapter 1 on and then just start a fresh chapter 8. That way I can do it with momentum behind what I write, and his voice will be strong in my head again.
I doubt I can pass blame for the writer's block, but part of me wonders if some of the stuff I've been looking at lately is affecting me somehow. I loved the book, but did "The Host" subconsciously intimidate me? Am I really worried that my book might seem too similar to "The Pretender" now that I've watched four episodes? (The one doctor character is very similar to Dr. Bergen, and the Center is similar to the Complex...but really, is that so much to paralyze my creativity? I hope not! Because I know my story is quite different than that show's plot.) I just fear being thought of as a hack or someone who steals ideas. This story's been a part of me for so damn long (a third of my life so far!) that it hurts to imagine anyone thinking it was anything other than MINE.
Either way, I have got to get back to work. And shake these silly paranoid fears and feelings of inadequency once and for all. It's stupid and a waste of time and energy. I've got to write it, and write it as soon as possible. Who knows how much time I've really got? My mortality is strangely and unnervingly on my mind lately.
I have been sitting here trying to add something to Chapter 8 to bring it back to life but it's seriously been HARD. I feel like I'm losing Zachary, himself, somehow. Not sure why. I know I've been stressed out lately, and I haven't felt good, physically, but I really do need to straighten out again and get back in there. It is going so well, and has such potential RIGHT THERE, in front of me. So why the blocky feeling right now?! It's incredibly frustrating and more than a little depressing.
I need to sit down, with music playing, and read everything I have written so far from chapter 1 on and then just start a fresh chapter 8. That way I can do it with momentum behind what I write, and his voice will be strong in my head again.
I doubt I can pass blame for the writer's block, but part of me wonders if some of the stuff I've been looking at lately is affecting me somehow. I loved the book, but did "The Host" subconsciously intimidate me? Am I really worried that my book might seem too similar to "The Pretender" now that I've watched four episodes? (The one doctor character is very similar to Dr. Bergen, and the Center is similar to the Complex...but really, is that so much to paralyze my creativity? I hope not! Because I know my story is quite different than that show's plot.) I just fear being thought of as a hack or someone who steals ideas. This story's been a part of me for so damn long (a third of my life so far!) that it hurts to imagine anyone thinking it was anything other than MINE.
Either way, I have got to get back to work. And shake these silly paranoid fears and feelings of inadequency once and for all. It's stupid and a waste of time and energy. I've got to write it, and write it as soon as possible. Who knows how much time I've really got? My mortality is strangely and unnervingly on my mind lately.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
How to Start Eight
I finished Chapter 7 on Friday night! It was the fastest chapter to write so far. Zoe's there, she's had her first anger-moment, and Zachary's decided he doesn't like her. Oh, and Dr. Murphy's back, too. He actually went to the mainland and brought Zoe back with him. They know one another. He had been staying at the mainland facility while recuperating; and, later I want to make it known that for years now he has been going back there to work with Zoe off and on. There were times he was away from the island and Zachary didn't care where he went because, well, he doesn't like Dr. Murphy. But that's why there's a level of familiarity there between Murphy and Zoe.
Trish has read chapters 4-7 in the space of a couple of days and she's given me such nice compliments I don't know what to say. She did give me a note for Chapter 6... take out references to "getting some." She pointed out they wouldn't really put that on Zachary right now, one thing at a time. Even if they know it might happen (MIGHT), they really wouldn't be talking about it.
* Want to do more water scenes. Show how at-home he can be in the water.
* What's wrong with his back? Is it nerve damage or not?
* Is he still "sick" and if so, will it progress anytime soon?
* Where's Paul Spencer these days? Will he come back for a visit, or to implement some change that he's paid for?
* I want to have a scene where Jacob betrays Zachary's trust.
* Why didn't they ever talk about Zoe before? I need to have a good reason.
* When do we learn what happened to Feem? And when we do, will it play out like it did in my other draft where they are at dinner and someone tells the story, and then Zachary remembers it (pretty much verbatim from the old draft...and this is going to be the ONLY scene that survives this way!).
* Still be thinking of how he leaves the island.
* Can we see Bruce? And the other hybrids interacting with Zachary directly?
In other news I am almost done reading "The Host." Stephenie Meyer's done it again. I love her style. I love the things he chooses to include in her storytelling, and the way her characters think. I love the first person thing! I am just so, so inspired by her stuff. I've never felt like someone else's style feels like my own style. I think that way, too, and hopefully write that way. I've also noticed she has some very short chapters. So I should keep that in mind, too... I'd love to find out what her typical wordcount per chapter is. Just an fyi.
Trish has read chapters 4-7 in the space of a couple of days and she's given me such nice compliments I don't know what to say. She did give me a note for Chapter 6... take out references to "getting some." She pointed out they wouldn't really put that on Zachary right now, one thing at a time. Even if they know it might happen (MIGHT), they really wouldn't be talking about it.
* Want to do more water scenes. Show how at-home he can be in the water.
* What's wrong with his back? Is it nerve damage or not?
* Is he still "sick" and if so, will it progress anytime soon?
* Where's Paul Spencer these days? Will he come back for a visit, or to implement some change that he's paid for?
* I want to have a scene where Jacob betrays Zachary's trust.
* Why didn't they ever talk about Zoe before? I need to have a good reason.
* When do we learn what happened to Feem? And when we do, will it play out like it did in my other draft where they are at dinner and someone tells the story, and then Zachary remembers it (pretty much verbatim from the old draft...and this is going to be the ONLY scene that survives this way!).
* Still be thinking of how he leaves the island.
* Can we see Bruce? And the other hybrids interacting with Zachary directly?
In other news I am almost done reading "The Host." Stephenie Meyer's done it again. I love her style. I love the things he chooses to include in her storytelling, and the way her characters think. I love the first person thing! I am just so, so inspired by her stuff. I've never felt like someone else's style feels like my own style. I think that way, too, and hopefully write that way. I've also noticed she has some very short chapters. So I should keep that in mind, too... I'd love to find out what her typical wordcount per chapter is. Just an fyi.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The many meanings of "action"
I'm well into Chapter 6 now. It's all talking so far, which has me a little worried. But it might need to happen that way. I mean, the stuff that happens WOULD entail a lengthy conversation or two...it's the most exciting thing to come along for Zachary and probably even the rest of the team, in a long time.
I surprised myself in describing (and thinking of) Zoe as a soldier. She's always been a kind of wild child in the other versions of the book... and you know what, maybe she still is. Even though she works with the military it can't change her inherent traits. Besides, Zoe having this military experience can be a nice contrast between the two of them, a contrast that wasn't there before.
Anyway, if all goes well, tonight I'll finish the chapter and start Chapter 7. I can't fall into that old trap of "putting off writing the good stuff", as I like to call it. I did that for the entire last version of this story and it wasn't fun. I lost interest. I will NOT let that happen with this one! My goal is to finish it this year, if not by the end of the summer. It'll mean watching fewer Netflix movies and forcing Greg to be a writing-widower, but it should pay off when it's all done. I just need that ONE first, complete draft. And then I can find an agent. I'm really confident I can get one for some reason. Now getting it published? That's too far out to try to imagine. I'll take it one step at a time, thanks.
And enjoy the writing in the meantime. Because it IS just the most fun.
I surprised myself in describing (and thinking of) Zoe as a soldier. She's always been a kind of wild child in the other versions of the book... and you know what, maybe she still is. Even though she works with the military it can't change her inherent traits. Besides, Zoe having this military experience can be a nice contrast between the two of them, a contrast that wasn't there before.
Anyway, if all goes well, tonight I'll finish the chapter and start Chapter 7. I can't fall into that old trap of "putting off writing the good stuff", as I like to call it. I did that for the entire last version of this story and it wasn't fun. I lost interest. I will NOT let that happen with this one! My goal is to finish it this year, if not by the end of the summer. It'll mean watching fewer Netflix movies and forcing Greg to be a writing-widower, but it should pay off when it's all done. I just need that ONE first, complete draft. And then I can find an agent. I'm really confident I can get one for some reason. Now getting it published? That's too far out to try to imagine. I'll take it one step at a time, thanks.
And enjoy the writing in the meantime. Because it IS just the most fun.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Searching for a Chapter 6 Start
I finished Chapter 5 the other night! I am still not sure about it, of course. I hardly ever feel entirely sure about anything I do on this book...but as long as it's holding my interest I figure that's the most I can hope for, really. "Write what you want to read" is the BEST advice ever. Thanks, Anne Rice (1990) and Stephenie Meyer (2008)!
I took out the silly tight wetsuit business. Whew. He does the OWE, hits on one of the trainers, and talks to Bridget and Dr. Bergen about, well... ;)
Personal circumstances have diverted my attention for the past couple of days, though. So I haven't started Chapter 6 yet. But I have a feeling it will come kind of easily once I get started since I am so psyched about what's coming up. I just need to think of a good pick-up line of dialogue, since I end Chapter 5 with an important line...and I want it to go right into the same scene again. I like how I ended Chapter 5, actually.
Notes: not many right now, other than having fun thinking of all this stuff. I've got to get down to business ASAP.
I took out the silly tight wetsuit business. Whew. He does the OWE, hits on one of the trainers, and talks to Bridget and Dr. Bergen about, well... ;)
Personal circumstances have diverted my attention for the past couple of days, though. So I haven't started Chapter 6 yet. But I have a feeling it will come kind of easily once I get started since I am so psyched about what's coming up. I just need to think of a good pick-up line of dialogue, since I end Chapter 5 with an important line...and I want it to go right into the same scene again. I like how I ended Chapter 5, actually.
Notes: not many right now, other than having fun thinking of all this stuff. I've got to get down to business ASAP.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Feedback and...a wetsuit? Huh?
Over the weekend, I did some serious editing of Chapters 2, 3 and 4, mostly based on feedback I got from Greg on Saturday night. The major issues were making the dialogue a little more authentic, cutting down on 'lists' of events (evident in that part in Chapter 2 where Z lists all the escape attempts...yawn), and cleaning up awkward wording. I'm very pleased with what came out of it, and today I sent the brand-new chapters 2-4 off to H and A, at their request. Again, I love that people are asking to read more. It's just the neatest feeling ever.
J and D at work both gave me some feedback as well. Some interesting thoughts that came out of it so far:
* J thought that Zachary should be younger if this is a YA novel. I wouldn't mind going 18, maybe 17...but younger than that does not interest me for this book. For one thing, Zachary's pretty developed, mentally, at the point where this story begins. He's figured out he can't be bossed around, and he's rebellious but with brains behind it. He's smart. How did he get schooled? I will need to bring this up soon, too.
* J also says he forgot sometimes that he was reading about a male protagonist. OK, this one bothers me because I do NOT want to have too much of myself go into Zachary's voice. I wonder if J thinks this because he knows I'm a female writing this book and he can't get away from that fact? I don't know. Either way, I asked D if she thought the same thing and she assured me that no, she never mistook Zachary's voice for a feminine voice. Whew. It still gave me a little panic moment.
* D thinks the presentation scene in Chapter 4 drags a bit. Maybe I can take a look at the pacing there and see what it could be.
* D also wants to see more of the dog. She also didn't catch Zachary's age, oddly enough...or the quick mention of Zachary playing with Dingo at the very end of chapter 4. Hmm. Anything there to consider?
Two people (G & D) have told me now to watch "The Pretender" after they read these new chapters. So that's something I definitely will do. I'm a little worried that something is there that's too similar for my book's good (will people think I am copying the Pretender?!), but perhaps it will just give me some ideas of what not to do or what to do, etc. We'll see.
CHAPTER 5 is officially underway.
I don't know what I'm doing. I just added some newer stuff to what I had started last week, but it's not much and it's more narrative backstory stuff. Finding out what they've been doing to keep Zachary under control these past three months since he's had the implant. That's all fine and good, but for some reason I started writing the scene that he is getting ready to do Open Water Exercises. Wouldn't be a problem if I didn't write a silly bit about him realizing his wetsuit is too tight. Huh? What's THAT got to do with anything?? It cracks me up right now. It's written dead serious, of course...but I'm laughing thinking of Zachary and his various wetsuit mishaps and bloopers. So yeah, I have to go back and maybe think of something to replace all that with.
I've got the two possible Paul scenarios to consider, too. He can either be 1)capitalist entrepreneur or 2) a type of terrorist. I think #2 is the more interesting option so I will probably go with that. Maybe his wife is the reason he's so passionate about doing what he wants to do. Maybe... I don't know yet. So much to think about.
Zachary's going to cockblock Jacob soon, too. Awesome. :)
J and D at work both gave me some feedback as well. Some interesting thoughts that came out of it so far:
* J thought that Zachary should be younger if this is a YA novel. I wouldn't mind going 18, maybe 17...but younger than that does not interest me for this book. For one thing, Zachary's pretty developed, mentally, at the point where this story begins. He's figured out he can't be bossed around, and he's rebellious but with brains behind it. He's smart. How did he get schooled? I will need to bring this up soon, too.
* J also says he forgot sometimes that he was reading about a male protagonist. OK, this one bothers me because I do NOT want to have too much of myself go into Zachary's voice. I wonder if J thinks this because he knows I'm a female writing this book and he can't get away from that fact? I don't know. Either way, I asked D if she thought the same thing and she assured me that no, she never mistook Zachary's voice for a feminine voice. Whew. It still gave me a little panic moment.
* D thinks the presentation scene in Chapter 4 drags a bit. Maybe I can take a look at the pacing there and see what it could be.
* D also wants to see more of the dog. She also didn't catch Zachary's age, oddly enough...or the quick mention of Zachary playing with Dingo at the very end of chapter 4. Hmm. Anything there to consider?
Two people (G & D) have told me now to watch "The Pretender" after they read these new chapters. So that's something I definitely will do. I'm a little worried that something is there that's too similar for my book's good (will people think I am copying the Pretender?!), but perhaps it will just give me some ideas of what not to do or what to do, etc. We'll see.
CHAPTER 5 is officially underway.
I don't know what I'm doing. I just added some newer stuff to what I had started last week, but it's not much and it's more narrative backstory stuff. Finding out what they've been doing to keep Zachary under control these past three months since he's had the implant. That's all fine and good, but for some reason I started writing the scene that he is getting ready to do Open Water Exercises. Wouldn't be a problem if I didn't write a silly bit about him realizing his wetsuit is too tight. Huh? What's THAT got to do with anything?? It cracks me up right now. It's written dead serious, of course...but I'm laughing thinking of Zachary and his various wetsuit mishaps and bloopers. So yeah, I have to go back and maybe think of something to replace all that with.
I've got the two possible Paul scenarios to consider, too. He can either be 1)capitalist entrepreneur or 2) a type of terrorist. I think #2 is the more interesting option so I will probably go with that. Maybe his wife is the reason he's so passionate about doing what he wants to do. Maybe... I don't know yet. So much to think about.
Zachary's going to cockblock Jacob soon, too. Awesome. :)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
It can be hard for me to believe it sometimes, but the consensus so far is incredibly favorable among the people who have been reading it so far! I love it, I admit it. I love hearing what people like about this story, and that it is actually working.
I'm just really glad I took the leap and sent it to people. Bloggers who have never met me are giving me great feedback, and friends, family and co-workers are asking to see more! Just yesterday two people wanted everything up to Chapter 4. I didn't bring the book up...they asked me out of the blue. How cool is that?? Pinch, pinch...
Now I definitely need to get down to work on Chapter 5. I just need to figure out a strong way to open it. That's my goal for today...think of the opening.
And I think for once I'll bask just a little in this cool feeling of "I'm on the right track, believe it or not." :)
I'm just really glad I took the leap and sent it to people. Bloggers who have never met me are giving me great feedback, and friends, family and co-workers are asking to see more! Just yesterday two people wanted everything up to Chapter 4. I didn't bring the book up...they asked me out of the blue. How cool is that?? Pinch, pinch...
Now I definitely need to get down to work on Chapter 5. I just need to figure out a strong way to open it. That's my goal for today...think of the opening.
And I think for once I'll bask just a little in this cool feeling of "I'm on the right track, believe it or not." :)
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Difficult Chapter 4
Last night, I finally finished my first full draft of chapter 4. It was the hardest chapter to write so far, I think, because so much is explained about the work they are doing at the Complex. I wanted to introduce the hybrids, have a scene where Zachary is introduced, figure out why these people were there for this particular presentation and why they feel "different" to Zachary than the federal/military guests in the past...and I wanted to show some sort of change in Zachary's behavior since the end of Chapter 3, when something was mysteriously done to him.
The good news is, I think I know who Paul Spencer is for the most part. He is an investor, and yes, he had been to the Complex years earlier and had seen Zachary from a distance. He's probably the most enthusiastic investor since he's been trying to get involved for about a decade or so (he's connected with the government somehow even though he's business), but he's approaching it differently than the other investors. He is focused primarily on Zachary for some reason, even making direct contact with him and giving him a business card to get in touch with him. This is VERY unusual-- he's under such tight control, no one ever contacts Zachary without going through Dr. Bergen's team first-- and it gets Zachary's interest. He feels like Paul treats him differently, makes him feel a little more powerful, more of a human being or something.
The question is, what is Paul up to? I think he wants to use Zachary for something, maybe some type of work, development of a product... but I've also been thinking of what it would mean if Paul was actually angling to take DOWN the Coalition because he doesn't agree with the ethical/religious problems this project entails. Or, he could be working with someone who has this goal. He's getting a financial hold on the project so it can be attacked from the inside.
I have to decide which way I want to go. Either way, Paul cannot be what he seems. He's good at what he's doing, even fooling Zachary and Dr. Bergen, but at the end of the day I think Paul will either be the person, or be working with the person, who will want to kill Zachary. (One: he has to die because he's an abomination, or two: he's intellectual property and if he escapes, he has to be stopped.)
And yes, next chapter will bring up the Zoe thing for the first time. Zachary didn't always live on the island; there was a time when the project split into two factions... one, the military kept active control over, and the other was more health-related federal official business. Zachary and half of the team went to the island so they could do the more controversial research in private; a few hybrids stayed on the mainland under tight military control. Zoe was left behind; had more obvious weapon-related characteristics. Zachary will vaguely remember a little girl... but since they left when he was about 4 years old, he doesn't have much of a memory of her.
I think Chapter 5 needs to illustrate his frustration again. Sure, now he is stuck with that horrible implant, and he is wearing an ankle bracelet to track his movements so he can't get far if he escapes, so he is limited to what he can do. But I think he'll find a way to break some rule again. It might be that he sabotages something (equipment, samples, doesn't cooperate with a procedure, publicly refuses to do something akin to a 'trick') again. He's bored and longing for the outside world in a BIG way. Bridget, after talking with the team, suggests it could be time to bring Zachary and Zoe together again. And bringing her to the Complex could possibly be the enticement he needs to want to stay there on the Island, happily complying with the researchers' orders.
They hope so, anyway. That's putting a lot of stock in his sex drive. As if that's the only thing he's after in escaping the Complex.
At some point, I also want him to coerce Amy, the girl in administration, to let him look up Paul Spencer on the internet. Just to show he's proactive in wanting to know more, rather than just sitting there waiting for something to be done to him.
Note to self: Go back and keep Chapter One at hand at all times. Match the tone and his motivations. Keep it consistent, especially now that things are getting complicated and the plot is taking off.
The good news is, I think I know who Paul Spencer is for the most part. He is an investor, and yes, he had been to the Complex years earlier and had seen Zachary from a distance. He's probably the most enthusiastic investor since he's been trying to get involved for about a decade or so (he's connected with the government somehow even though he's business), but he's approaching it differently than the other investors. He is focused primarily on Zachary for some reason, even making direct contact with him and giving him a business card to get in touch with him. This is VERY unusual-- he's under such tight control, no one ever contacts Zachary without going through Dr. Bergen's team first-- and it gets Zachary's interest. He feels like Paul treats him differently, makes him feel a little more powerful, more of a human being or something.
The question is, what is Paul up to? I think he wants to use Zachary for something, maybe some type of work, development of a product... but I've also been thinking of what it would mean if Paul was actually angling to take DOWN the Coalition because he doesn't agree with the ethical/religious problems this project entails. Or, he could be working with someone who has this goal. He's getting a financial hold on the project so it can be attacked from the inside.
I have to decide which way I want to go. Either way, Paul cannot be what he seems. He's good at what he's doing, even fooling Zachary and Dr. Bergen, but at the end of the day I think Paul will either be the person, or be working with the person, who will want to kill Zachary. (One: he has to die because he's an abomination, or two: he's intellectual property and if he escapes, he has to be stopped.)
And yes, next chapter will bring up the Zoe thing for the first time. Zachary didn't always live on the island; there was a time when the project split into two factions... one, the military kept active control over, and the other was more health-related federal official business. Zachary and half of the team went to the island so they could do the more controversial research in private; a few hybrids stayed on the mainland under tight military control. Zoe was left behind; had more obvious weapon-related characteristics. Zachary will vaguely remember a little girl... but since they left when he was about 4 years old, he doesn't have much of a memory of her.
I think Chapter 5 needs to illustrate his frustration again. Sure, now he is stuck with that horrible implant, and he is wearing an ankle bracelet to track his movements so he can't get far if he escapes, so he is limited to what he can do. But I think he'll find a way to break some rule again. It might be that he sabotages something (equipment, samples, doesn't cooperate with a procedure, publicly refuses to do something akin to a 'trick') again. He's bored and longing for the outside world in a BIG way. Bridget, after talking with the team, suggests it could be time to bring Zachary and Zoe together again. And bringing her to the Complex could possibly be the enticement he needs to want to stay there on the Island, happily complying with the researchers' orders.
They hope so, anyway. That's putting a lot of stock in his sex drive. As if that's the only thing he's after in escaping the Complex.
At some point, I also want him to coerce Amy, the girl in administration, to let him look up Paul Spencer on the internet. Just to show he's proactive in wanting to know more, rather than just sitting there waiting for something to be done to him.
Note to self: Go back and keep Chapter One at hand at all times. Match the tone and his motivations. Keep it consistent, especially now that things are getting complicated and the plot is taking off.
Monday, April 14, 2008
A Little Direction...
I haven't written in a few days, but it's only because the logistics of it haven't worked out. We drove out to California on Saturday, and then yesterday it was a day of errands and cleaning. However, this week a lot should be happening in the book!
I was stuck, a little, because I didn't know what to do with this new character I threw into the mix, Paul Spencer. Thought he'd be the Secretary of Defense, but something about that didn't feel right. I am still hesitant to go the "Zachary as a weapon" route...and it felt too obvious to have the S of D there. So finally, after a lot of thought, I woke up yesterday morning with my solution. He's not in the government, but he certainly is tied into the government in a capitalist sort-of way. He's a Trump guy, for lack of a better description.
I think I figured out how Z's going to get off the Island. And how he will come to meet Zoe.
I realized, too, that I had to give Bridget something. I mention her in Chapter 1 and then we never really see her or anything. So she'll play a part in some of Chapter 4 and definitely 5. She's actually a catalyst for something happening.
Tim's coming for a visit. This gives me a way for Zachary to get his contact information for later on. They're going to set a tentative plan...of course, they'll need to figure it out on a private walk away from any cameras, etc.
Entrepreneurs, investors... they all want something to invest in. Want to be the first at anything cutting-edge. Futurists are their best friends. And that's going to be key, going forward.
Today's unanswered questions:
* Who will ask about Feem and thereby get the flashback story? Paul, or Zoe?
* Again...how and why do the dolphins get to the ocean?
* How will Zachary get his lenses? Paul? Or does he have them already for "trips to town"?
* Can we maybe work in Dingo again? He's got a nice dog. Let's see him!
* How does Zachary communicate with 6104? Is there a psychic thing there, maybe?
"I am concerned about the whole man. I am concerned about what the people, using their government as an instrument and a tool, can do toward building the whole man, which will mean a better society and a better world." -- Lyndon B. Johnson.
I was stuck, a little, because I didn't know what to do with this new character I threw into the mix, Paul Spencer. Thought he'd be the Secretary of Defense, but something about that didn't feel right. I am still hesitant to go the "Zachary as a weapon" route...and it felt too obvious to have the S of D there. So finally, after a lot of thought, I woke up yesterday morning with my solution. He's not in the government, but he certainly is tied into the government in a capitalist sort-of way. He's a Trump guy, for lack of a better description.
I think I figured out how Z's going to get off the Island. And how he will come to meet Zoe.
I realized, too, that I had to give Bridget something. I mention her in Chapter 1 and then we never really see her or anything. So she'll play a part in some of Chapter 4 and definitely 5. She's actually a catalyst for something happening.
Tim's coming for a visit. This gives me a way for Zachary to get his contact information for later on. They're going to set a tentative plan...of course, they'll need to figure it out on a private walk away from any cameras, etc.
Entrepreneurs, investors... they all want something to invest in. Want to be the first at anything cutting-edge. Futurists are their best friends. And that's going to be key, going forward.
Today's unanswered questions:
* Who will ask about Feem and thereby get the flashback story? Paul, or Zoe?
* Again...how and why do the dolphins get to the ocean?
* How will Zachary get his lenses? Paul? Or does he have them already for "trips to town"?
* Can we maybe work in Dingo again? He's got a nice dog. Let's see him!
* How does Zachary communicate with 6104? Is there a psychic thing there, maybe?
"I am concerned about the whole man. I am concerned about what the people, using their government as an instrument and a tool, can do toward building the whole man, which will mean a better society and a better world." -- Lyndon B. Johnson.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Well into Chapter 4
I've done some work to Chapter 3 to fix some of the pacing problems, adding a lot more to the scene at the pool. I think it reads a little better now; plus, it fills in a little more information about what they are doing with the hybrids. I do make mention of 6104 and I'm not sure if the reader has the patience to wait for the explanation of who 6104 is in the first part of Chapter 4. I'll need to ask my awesome reader-friends what they think.
Chapter 4 is now 2,850 words in. I reworked the opening, adding more to set the time (three months later, making it near the end of December), place and situation. Made first mention of the "shoulder implant"-- this is one of the things they did to him when they knocked him out at the end of Chapter 3. Tweaked the Jacob part a little. I hope I'm not being pretentious by adding the "Triumph and Disaster" line to his little joke; I'd hope it would make people want to find the poem themselves, but maybe it's too much to ask. I need input.
Zachary has just been introduced to the group and they're reacting differently than he'd expected. He's nervous. Why is he nervous? Why are these particular people here? What do they want? Why is Zachary such a shock to them, when they clearly knew about the others already?
At this point, we need explanation of what the next step is. Clearly the "Coalition" (needs new name!) has a plan, another phase. So let's introduce it to Zachary now. Let's set the stage for action, something bigger.
I estimate that by the end of Chapter 5 the latest, he will be off the Island. And we'll hopefully know about Zoe.
I can't WAIT to get to Zoe!! I don't know how it's going to go anymore. One way or another it will be so much fun to get back into her again. I always loved writing Zoe.
Chapter 4 is now 2,850 words in. I reworked the opening, adding more to set the time (three months later, making it near the end of December), place and situation. Made first mention of the "shoulder implant"-- this is one of the things they did to him when they knocked him out at the end of Chapter 3. Tweaked the Jacob part a little. I hope I'm not being pretentious by adding the "Triumph and Disaster" line to his little joke; I'd hope it would make people want to find the poem themselves, but maybe it's too much to ask. I need input.
Zachary has just been introduced to the group and they're reacting differently than he'd expected. He's nervous. Why is he nervous? Why are these particular people here? What do they want? Why is Zachary such a shock to them, when they clearly knew about the others already?
At this point, we need explanation of what the next step is. Clearly the "Coalition" (needs new name!) has a plan, another phase. So let's introduce it to Zachary now. Let's set the stage for action, something bigger.
I estimate that by the end of Chapter 5 the latest, he will be off the Island. And we'll hopefully know about Zoe.
I can't WAIT to get to Zoe!! I don't know how it's going to go anymore. One way or another it will be so much fun to get back into her again. I always loved writing Zoe.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Productive Trip to Washington DC
Well, I've been writing!
I flew to DC for work on Wednesday, and on the plane and in the hotel before and after I was done for the day, I finished Chapter 3. Amazing! The best part was, I went right into Chapter 4 on the plane ride home and got probably 1/3 of the way into it.
Thursday night I was so excited about finished Chapter 3 that I was kind of jumping on the hotel bed. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking of where the story goes next, practicing dialogue in my head...it was awesome!
I have a LOT of work to do, but it's fun.
I have been doing a little background research into genetic engineering, basically to update myself on where the technology is now as opposed to where it was 10 years ago when I was thinking of this topic. I need terms and scientific info so that I can base my fiction in fact. I won't need to get overly technical...especially since this is a YA novel... but I still need to know HOW it would WORK. I think that the researchers at the Complex are working on proteomics, which is the study of the interaction between proteins and gene sequences. A major area of interest to scientists today is how proteomics might help in the development of drugs, treatments, etc. for a variety of diseases.
It may be that the work there at the Complex is not so much about developing a soldier or weapon, but finding cures for diseases. I'm not sure, though. Overall, their goal is to...what? See, I need to clarify that so I know what they want Zachary for. Like I said, my work is cut out for me.
In other news, Jacob is developing a character. I spent awhile yesterday reading up on Rudyard Kipling, because I decided out of the blue that Jacob is a distant relation to Kipling (they share the same last name) and wanted to see if that happened to be a good match for him. Turns out, YES. I think some literary correlations will be found as I write this. Note to self: read the poem "If...". Possibly find a title for the book within this poem. At the very least, it could provide an abstract framework for Jacob's motivations and career choices. Plus, the poem sounds like it's a popular one, especially since he won the Nobel Prize for Literature for it!
We've also met the hybrids. Josephine, Phoebe, Widget, Pinky, and Bruce. We also know a hybrid named Hurricane was killed by Bruce. And Bruce might be the most effective of the hybrids at being a potential weapon for the military. I have to describe Zachary's relationship to each of these hybrids.
Today's unanswered questions:
* What are they doing with the hybrids, exactly?
* Who are the people assembled at the Complex for the presentation in Chapter 4?
* Is Zachary a murderer?
Stay tuned!
I flew to DC for work on Wednesday, and on the plane and in the hotel before and after I was done for the day, I finished Chapter 3. Amazing! The best part was, I went right into Chapter 4 on the plane ride home and got probably 1/3 of the way into it.
Thursday night I was so excited about finished Chapter 3 that I was kind of jumping on the hotel bed. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking of where the story goes next, practicing dialogue in my head...it was awesome!
I have a LOT of work to do, but it's fun.
I have been doing a little background research into genetic engineering, basically to update myself on where the technology is now as opposed to where it was 10 years ago when I was thinking of this topic. I need terms and scientific info so that I can base my fiction in fact. I won't need to get overly technical...especially since this is a YA novel... but I still need to know HOW it would WORK. I think that the researchers at the Complex are working on proteomics, which is the study of the interaction between proteins and gene sequences. A major area of interest to scientists today is how proteomics might help in the development of drugs, treatments, etc. for a variety of diseases.
It may be that the work there at the Complex is not so much about developing a soldier or weapon, but finding cures for diseases. I'm not sure, though. Overall, their goal is to...what? See, I need to clarify that so I know what they want Zachary for. Like I said, my work is cut out for me.
In other news, Jacob is developing a character. I spent awhile yesterday reading up on Rudyard Kipling, because I decided out of the blue that Jacob is a distant relation to Kipling (they share the same last name) and wanted to see if that happened to be a good match for him. Turns out, YES. I think some literary correlations will be found as I write this. Note to self: read the poem "If...". Possibly find a title for the book within this poem. At the very least, it could provide an abstract framework for Jacob's motivations and career choices. Plus, the poem sounds like it's a popular one, especially since he won the Nobel Prize for Literature for it!
We've also met the hybrids. Josephine, Phoebe, Widget, Pinky, and Bruce. We also know a hybrid named Hurricane was killed by Bruce. And Bruce might be the most effective of the hybrids at being a potential weapon for the military. I have to describe Zachary's relationship to each of these hybrids.
Today's unanswered questions:
* What are they doing with the hybrids, exactly?
* Who are the people assembled at the Complex for the presentation in Chapter 4?
* Is Zachary a murderer?
Stay tuned!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Visual Model
One little snippet of advice I picked up at the Writer's Conference in February: know what your characters look like. Even if you don't sit down and describe every facet of their appearance, at the very least the author needs to know the details anyway. It's better to just have that image secured away in mind because you never know when small bits will work their way into the character as you go.
I doubt I am making much sense, but since this is just my personal place for notes on my writing, who cares?
Anyway, last week I was taken aback when I found an actor who seems to personify the physical appearance I'd imagined for Zachary. It was really cool to realize there was someone out there who could "play" Zachary for my own imaginative purposes.
Here are a couple photos of Ben Barnes, who it turns out is playing Prince Caspian in the movie that comes out in May. Guess what movie I'M going to have to see in the theater as soon as possible.
The face is weirdly similar to what I'd always pictured for Zachary. Now picture this guy with all-black eyes. It's him!

I doubt I am making much sense, but since this is just my personal place for notes on my writing, who cares?
Anyway, last week I was taken aback when I found an actor who seems to personify the physical appearance I'd imagined for Zachary. It was really cool to realize there was someone out there who could "play" Zachary for my own imaginative purposes.
Here are a couple photos of Ben Barnes, who it turns out is playing Prince Caspian in the movie that comes out in May. Guess what movie I'M going to have to see in the theater as soon as possible.
The face is weirdly similar to what I'd always pictured for Zachary. Now picture this guy with all-black eyes. It's him!

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Revising Chapter 2
Tonight I worked on it and I think it's a little better. Not as wordy...I tried to make the internal and interactive dialogue stronger and more realistic, and most of all, attempted to continue the tone and sense of urgency that was in Chapter 1 by ending it on a more interesting note.
I can't deny that I'm scared I am not going to be able to make it much further with this story. But I'm really going to do my absolute best to keep going. Keep writing, no matter what happens or if I have a bad spell of doubt or not-writing. I wasn't hopeful that I'd do much of anything on it this weekend, but I feel a little better now because I did at least something tonight. It was important to get chapter 2 in a more solid place in order to move on to chapter 3.
He's focused on leaving, but things are happening at the complex. They're trying to create another hybrid and failing at cloning. They don't know why. Maybe they should attempt more traditional means of procreation, which will mean bringing Zachary to the mainland to meet Zoe.
His chance for escape?
Or... does Zoe come there? And then the threat hits again...maybe temporarily disabling the base and offering an optimal chance to escape. Could he take a car this time? Throw Dingo's collar off and drive to the harbor, make his way onto a boat?
Hmm. Either way, he's got to go down to the building with the dolphins in it and interact with them soon.
Also...still want the Feem thing in there. How do the dolphins get to the ocean, though? How far IS the ocean? Are there channels they can swim through, or are they trucked there to the ocean for certain exercises?
Lots to think about!
On a personal note, hiking seems to be catching on for me. I like working out to the point of exhaustion, listening to my Chimera mix and thinking. I'll be sad when it's too hot outside. But I;ve got to keep going! Make the gym a priority, if nothing else. Eat less, drink more water. Thin down in time for NJ. I want to feel in control of myself.
I can't deny that I'm scared I am not going to be able to make it much further with this story. But I'm really going to do my absolute best to keep going. Keep writing, no matter what happens or if I have a bad spell of doubt or not-writing. I wasn't hopeful that I'd do much of anything on it this weekend, but I feel a little better now because I did at least something tonight. It was important to get chapter 2 in a more solid place in order to move on to chapter 3.
He's focused on leaving, but things are happening at the complex. They're trying to create another hybrid and failing at cloning. They don't know why. Maybe they should attempt more traditional means of procreation, which will mean bringing Zachary to the mainland to meet Zoe.
His chance for escape?
Or... does Zoe come there? And then the threat hits again...maybe temporarily disabling the base and offering an optimal chance to escape. Could he take a car this time? Throw Dingo's collar off and drive to the harbor, make his way onto a boat?
Hmm. Either way, he's got to go down to the building with the dolphins in it and interact with them soon.
Also...still want the Feem thing in there. How do the dolphins get to the ocean, though? How far IS the ocean? Are there channels they can swim through, or are they trucked there to the ocean for certain exercises?
Lots to think about!
On a personal note, hiking seems to be catching on for me. I like working out to the point of exhaustion, listening to my Chimera mix and thinking. I'll be sad when it's too hot outside. But I;ve got to keep going! Make the gym a priority, if nothing else. Eat less, drink more water. Thin down in time for NJ. I want to feel in control of myself.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Writing is hard. I have some bad habits, and they are so easy to fall back into.
1) I over-describe things sometimes. Don't need to say what the chains on the ceiling fan does. Just say the chains. Period.
2) Narrator's talking, and he doesn't sound natural. Too stilted, too formal. Go for a more normal way of speaking. Read it aloud if you can't figure it out.
3) Work on dialogue. Do people really talk like that?
4) Don't be so WORDY!!!!
5) Are you going off subject? If you think you might be, you probably are. Don't worry so much about telling the backstory, etc. Tell the NOWSTORY.
6) Don't be a pompous ass of a writer. ("Nowstory"? Holy crap. I have my work cut out for me.)
Tonight I revisited chapter 2 even as I was a page or so into chapter 3. I knew something was off about chapter 2, and mentioned it to G & T. G read it and confirmed my worries... it was shifting back towards old Zachary territory again. FUCK! It's so easy to get back into that shitty, boring way of telling this story.
What I have to do is remember the tone and pace of chapter 1, always. I was on to something with that. I can continue it, it will just take a little discipline and vigilance to make it happen.
Back to work.
1) I over-describe things sometimes. Don't need to say what the chains on the ceiling fan does. Just say the chains. Period.
2) Narrator's talking, and he doesn't sound natural. Too stilted, too formal. Go for a more normal way of speaking. Read it aloud if you can't figure it out.
3) Work on dialogue. Do people really talk like that?
4) Don't be so WORDY!!!!
5) Are you going off subject? If you think you might be, you probably are. Don't worry so much about telling the backstory, etc. Tell the NOWSTORY.
6) Don't be a pompous ass of a writer. ("Nowstory"? Holy crap. I have my work cut out for me.)
Tonight I revisited chapter 2 even as I was a page or so into chapter 3. I knew something was off about chapter 2, and mentioned it to G & T. G read it and confirmed my worries... it was shifting back towards old Zachary territory again. FUCK! It's so easy to get back into that shitty, boring way of telling this story.
What I have to do is remember the tone and pace of chapter 1, always. I was on to something with that. I can continue it, it will just take a little discipline and vigilance to make it happen.
Back to work.
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